Saturday, 27 April 2013


another bunny cushion... This time for a little girls christening. very pink with flowers and spots and thread used for the embroidery has a hint of lemon too, which breaks the colours up!

Sunday, 21 April 2013

Sail away......

another version of a traditional sailing boat with a blue batik fish print surround...

Friday, 19 April 2013

Hearts and flowers

A pretty red and white contrast heart wreath.....

and a picture of the inside of my hut which is still a bit of work in progress.... So watch this space!

A few more makes for my hut.......

Another version of "I heart Whitstable" in a fresh blue with seashells in a darker tone.

More little bunnies ........

I sold my single bunny cushion down in sunny Whitstable last weekend, it was bought for a little girls bedroom so as it had been talked about I thought I would do my other favourite with the three little bunnies to replace it. I have kept it pretty and floral with a bright spot trim it will be making its way to Whitstable this weekend! Lets hope the weather is kind to us!